Contact Me
Thanks for visiting my page, I have tried to combine all the things I enjoy doing like eating out, reviewing websites and providing my opinion on marketing trends.
Restaurant Reviews
Please feel free to contact me if you know of a gem of a restaurant I should visit, from a “whole in the wall” to a “food truck” don’t worry I am not picky, as long as the food is good.
Website Reviews
As per my website reviews, these are purely my opinion as an outsider looking in, I have no insight on to what the day to day activities are, and base my view on what is live and how the user today is allowed to interact with the digital assets of that particular company. I hope my insight will be taken with a grain of salt and provide food for thought to the company’s management team.
Marketing Trends
As a certified technology geek, I spend hours upon hours looking at marketing trends, attending industry conferences and through that I come up with my unique take on what is going on today and more importantly the future as it pertains to online marketing. Again the views are my own and are based on data I choose to use.
Telephone / 954 779 2801
Email /
Address / 608 SW 4th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, FL, 33315